The Circus (1928)

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IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 79.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 1928
Runtime: 1h 12m
Rating: G
Countries: United States of America
Languages: XX
Keywords: Show more
The Tramp finds himself at a circus where he is promptly chased around by the police who think he is a pickpocket. Running into the Bigtop, he is an accidental sensation with his hilarious efforts to elude the police. The circus owner immediately hires him, but discovers that the Tramp cannot be funny on purpose, so he takes advantage of the situation by making the Tramp a janitor who just happens to always be in the Bigtop at showtime. Unaware of this exploitation, the Tramp falls for the owner's lovely acrobatic stepdaughter, who is abused by her father. His chances seem good, until a dashing rival comes in and Charlie feels he has to compete with him.
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